Michiel Leezenberg teaches in the Departments of Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Classics at the University of Amsterdam and has published widely on the philosophy of the humanities, Islamic intellectual history, and the Kurdish question. His recent publications include (with Gerard de Vries) History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction (Amsterdam University Press, 2018), Sexuality and Politics in Islam (Prometheus, 2017), and Foucault (Athenaum, 2021).
Anne-Marie Korte is professor of religion and gender at Utrecht University. She coedited (with Angela Berlis and Kune Biezeveld) Everyday Life and the Sacred: Re/configuring Gender Studies in Religion (Brill, 2017); (with Christiane Kruse and Birgit Meyer) Taking Offense: Religion, Art, and Visual Culture in Plural Configurations (Fink Verlag, 2018); and (with Mariecke van den Berg, Lieke Schrijvers, and Jelle Wiering) Transforming Bodies: Religions, Powers and Agencies in Europe (New York: Routledge, 2020).
Martin van Bruinessen is professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Utrecht University. He is the editor of Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam: Explaining the ‘Conservative Turn’ (Institute of South East Asian Studies, 2013) and (with Stefano Allievi) of Producing Islamic Knowledge: Transmission and Dissemination in Western Europe (Routledge, 2011).