More Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage continues telling the story of the rich and often overlooked diversity of Baptist life. In this sequel to Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage, Williams focuses again on characteristics that represent Baptist key beliefs and ideals such as religious liberty, missions, and social justice. This volume introduces short biographies of twenty-four more Baptists that will challenge, encourage, and inspire Christians regardless of their denominational tradition. It will also help readers to realize that Baptists fill a much broader and deeper place in history than unfair stereotypical descriptions of Baptists of earlier years have given. At the same time, readers will not only find out more about Baptist ideals but also learn the stories of the diverse women and men who witnessed to the Baptist heritage. Written with students, pastors, and lay people in mind, scholars and historians will discover valuable introduction to significant Baptists who may be studied at greater length and in grander depth. A short, suggested reading list is added at the end of each chapter to enhance further study.
Michael E. Williams, Sr. is professor of History at Dallas Baptist University. He is the editor of Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage, co-editor of Turning Points in Baptist History, and author of Isaac Taylor Tichenor: The Creation of the Baptist New South.