LITERARY COLLECTIONS / Essays Showing results 1-5 of 5 Books Site Content and Reviews Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:16243240 ‹1› Ronald Knox’s Lectures on Virgil’s AeneidWith Introduction and Critical EssaysEdited by: Francesca Bugliani KnoxFormat: Hardcover Old Truths and New ClichésEssays by Isaac Bashevis SingerBy: Isaac Bashevis SingerEdited by: David StrombergFormat: Hardcover Who Wants to Be a Jewish Writer?And Other EssaysBy: Adam KirschFormat: Paperback Wilderness in AmericaPhilosophical WritingsBy: Henry BugbeeEdited by: David W. RodickFormat: Paperback The Givenness of ThingsEssayBy: Marilynne RobinsonFormat: Hardcover Sort by:RelevanceNewest to OldestOldest to NewestTitle - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to LowAuthor - A to ZAuthor - Z to A Per page:16243240 ‹1›