News and Features

Four Books on Paul and Something Else

Four Books on Paul and Something Else

By J. Andrew Doole If you want to publish a bestseller on Paul, one strategy is to consider him alongside—or in the context of—something else, such as N.T. Wright’s Paul… READ MORE

Reading Religion Newsletter Vol. 9, Issue 11/12

Dear Reading Religion Subscribers, Our 2025 is off to a great start here at Reading Religion. The editors have curated a Best of 2024 Reading List and published the year’s first “Four Books” feature. In… READ MORE

Four Books on Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies

Four Books on Anabaptist and Mennonite Studies

By Maxwell Kennel Anabaptist and Mennonite studies is a broad interdisciplinary conversation with distinct subfields and institutions with differing approaches to its study, several of which intersect with the scholarly… READ MORE

Reading Religion Newsletter Vol. 9, Issue 10

Dear Reading Religion Subscribers, Congratulations to the 2024 American Academy of Religion Book Award winners. The annual competition for awards for Excellence in the Study of Religion, the Best First Book in the History… READ MORE

Reading Religion Newsletter Vol. 9, Issue 9

Dear Reading Religion Subscribers,We’ve been busy at Reading Religion since last month’s newsletter. In addition to the insightful reviews and new books we posted in September, we also hosted an engaging AAR Webinaar with three outstanding… READ MORE

Four Books on Digital Theology

Four Books on Digital Theology

By Ilona Nord What exactly is digital theology? Sounds like a trendy term without having theoretical depth? By looking closely at four recent books located in this emerging field, it… READ MORE

Reading Religion Newsletter Vol. 9, Issue 8

Dear Reading Religion Subscribers, The 2024 San Diego Annual Meetings are fast approaching! The last day to register for the November 23-26 event before full price goes into effect is September 26. The annual meetings, hosted by… READ MORE

Reading Religion Newsletter Vol. 9, Issue 7

Dear Reading Religion Subscribers, Reading Religion has handpicked a collection of reviewed and available books to enhance your summertime reading. Our Summer Reading List  includes can’t-miss reviews about topics such as hell and Tamil religion, and… READ MORE